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Competition winners celebrate the art of science

This digital radiograph of some roses was taken during a clinical teaching session about the physics of X-rays at the Veterinary Hospital of the University of Bristol

This digital radiograph of some roses was taken during a clinical teaching session about the physics of X-rays at the Veterinary Hospital of the University of BristolNathaniel Harran, Clinical Veterinary Science

Press release issued: 1 December 2010

Works by the winners of this year’s Art of Science Competition, run by the Faculty of Medical and Veterinary Sciences at the University of Bristol, go on display at The Bristol Gallery today.

The works, produced by research scientists from the University, aim to make research science more accessible and exciting to the public and also encourage scientists to appreciate the beauty behind the technical processes they undertake every day.

The exhibition presents the nine winners of the competition, which range from images of brightly-coloured fluorescent cells from neuroscience and cancer biology studies, to x-rays traces of plant structure, and computer models of animal behaviour.  Alongside these research images are photography of ‘science in action’ in the laboratory, from the perspective of the researcher and their “native” environment.

Explanations of the fascinating scientific procedures which inspired the images will be displayed alongside the winning entries.

After The Bristol Gallery exhibition, these works, along with three by the postdoctoral competition runners-up, will go on display in the @Bristol cafe.

Becky Jones, from the University’s School of Biochemistry organised the first Art of Science Competition for graduate students last year.  To build on its success, this year two competitions were run: one open to graduate students as before, and a new one, run by Rob Nunan, a Research Assistant in Biochemistry, which was open to research staff in the Faculty, including postdoctoral research fellows, principal investigators and technicians.

Becky Jones said: “The researchers were asked to look for aesthetic beauty in their experimental work.  The challenge was for the entries to be as innovative as possible whilst retaining a scientific or instructive message.  We were delighted that several researchers rose to the challenge; the calibre of entries was extremely high.” 

The works were judged and selected according to their scientific and artistic content by Dr Jon Bridle, Research Fellow in Bristol’s School of Biological Sciences, Bob Willingham, professional photographer, and Andrew Price, Director of The Bristol Gallery.

Photographic prints and calendars featuring the winning images will be available for purchase from the gallery, or by contacting

The exhibition, The Art of Science runs from Wednesday 1 December to Sunday 5 December at The Bristol Gallery, Millennium Promenade, Harbourside, Bristol.  The works will then go on display in the @Bristol cafe.

The postgraduate competition was funded by the Graduate Dean.  The postdoctoral competition was funded by Fermentas/Millipore/Thistle Scientific.

Further information

Please contact Rebecca Jones for further information.
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