Directory of Experts

Details for Dr Kirsten Cater

Personal details
Name Dr Kirsten Cater
Job title Academic Director
Reader in Human Computer Interaction
Department Centre for Innovation University of Bristol
Department of Computer Science University of Bristol
Personal web page
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Professional details
Membership of professional bodies ACM
Keywords human computer interaction
mobile and ubiquitous computing
computer graphics
context aware applications
pervasive computing
Areas of expertise I have worked, managed and published internationally in a broad range of research areas including human computer interaction, computer graphics, psychology and pervasive computing.

My research is concerned with designing elegant solutions for delivering the maximum user experience from devices with limited processing capability by using knowledge of human-computer interaction.

My emerging research profile in computer graphics, ubiquitous computing and compelling experience design complements and strengthens the activities of the Interaction and Graphics Research Group.

I have undertaken public engagement research in primary and secondary schools, as well as community centres with both young and adult learners. I am a firm believer in the value of user participation to guide the future of technology and technological experiences and use my technical expertise to foresee and design possible future applications in these fields.
Media experience My research and public engagement work in primary and secondary schools, as well as community centres, have been very popular with the media getting press coverage in both local and national newspapers, as well as a 5 minute BBC TV news-item and a documentary for South Korea.