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Lagos Never Spoils: Nollywood and Nigerian City Life

23 July 2023

By Connor Ryan, Lecturer in World Cinema at the University of Bristol. Published by University of Michigan.

The slogan “Lagos shall not spoil,” found in print media, political campaigns, and common conversation, represents a shared expression of the optimism the city embodies. However, on city streets the phrase also appears scrawled in irreverent variations―“Lagos cannot spoil more than this!”―that meet the frustrations of city life with irony. In both cases, the slogan captures the resilience and persistence with which residents of Lagos live on, despite it all. This book examines the circumstances that make it possible for residents to persist in pursuing their various projects and for the city to remain a platform that supports these projects and creates space for even more to emerge. Author Connor Ryan argues that residents continually work to combine contingency and endurance in opportunistic ways that make the city work for them, and as such, Lagos never spoils: it endures.

Further information

Lagos Never Spoils | University of Michigan Press (

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